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Cat on Green

Otis and me.

Animal Communication is similar to mediumship readings except I only do them remotely. This helps me not get tangled up in the pet owners energy, which can get in the way.  It's a heart-based emotional exchange of energy, thoughts, feelings, and images, sometimes in lightning-fast progression of a 2 way informational exchange.

An animal communicator has to be able to gently grasp these messages as they fly by, to acknowledge them, and also keep the “conversation” flowing. To be successfulI I must keep an open mind, free of any prior judgments or expectations. Only in that way can an animal have the freedom to truly open up and express her/himself without fear of repercussion, retribution, or adverse reaction.​​ Animal communication is not guessing and it’s not intellectualizing.

It’s not an exact science nor does it offer 100% accuracy every time.


How Does It Work? 

First I prepare myself energetically by coming to a quiet place within and then intentionally connect with the animal. Information is then received in the form of thoughts, ideas, words, images, sensations in the body, sounds in the mind, emotions, sudden knowings, etc. It is possible to have any sensory experience telepathically. The key to receiving is in the intention – a matter of both heart and mind. As interspecies communication is a telepathic/energetic experience, it occurs regardless of the physical closeness. It is a form of remote or distant communication that does not require being in each other’s presence. I prefer remote because it leaves the owner "out of the picture" and free of distractions.


Can you talk with animals who have pasted away?

Yes! The process is much the same as it is for a remote communication. I tune in to the animal’s energy, and get a series of impressions and thoughts, just like I do from animals who are still with us physically, though the energy can be more subtle. The animal may share with me specific “pictures” and memories from her life.


I can ask questions on your behalf, and sometimes (often depending on how long it has been since the animal has died) get a sense of whether the animal wishes or hopes to return, and if so, in what likeness. 

It is best to wait at least 2-3 weeks after an animal has died before trying to initiate contact because there seems to be a period of natural adjustment between this life and the next. It can be tremendously comforting to realize that your former companion’s spirit is still very much alive.

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Stephanie has an uncanny ability to read the inner thoughts and feelings of dogs. She gave me a message about how my Dachshund likes to be touched and I have found that when I utilize this touch, I instantly connect with Gabby and put her at ease. Pretty remarkable, since this reading was done over 700 miles away! I have now reached out to Stephanie about some behavioral issues and look forward to excellent results on this as well. Thanks Stephanie!"

Carol D. Louisville KY

"I was very impressed with the personality reading that Stephanie did for our cat Barney. She was correct on almost every front. My husband and I were really impressed on how accurate she was. We are looking forward to using her again soon."

Julie R., Newark DE

"I am the proud mom of 4 rescue dogs. Rescue dogs don't come with an owner's manual or a diary detailing their lives before the rescue. How does one know how to help these little souls? What are a their fears? Their needs? Many are shut down and hard to reach. Stephanie Litwin has an amazing ability to connect with these little ones and help lift the curtain behind which their real selves hide. Stephanie read my Barney, a rescue who has lived with us for 4 years. She was spot on with virtually everything we know about him. Great work Stephanie. Barney sends doggy kisses!!!"

Paula G. Port Saint Lucie FL

"Stephanie has an incredible and envied ability to communicate with animals. I was appreciative and impressed by her ability to read my dog, Bandit, who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge 5 years ago. He was rather informative and Stephanie was correct and accurate in what he had to say. I'm looking forward to more animal communication readings with Stephanie and highly recommend her as she has a special gift."

Denise H., Lake Hopatcong NJ

"Stephanie has a uncanny ability to tap in and connect with my cats. They are 15 & 17 years old and I know them very well. She was able to tap into what I already knew, but take it further and communicate with them so that I may take care of them better. They're getting old and need special care, so there's never been a more important time for me to understand their needs. Thanks Stephanie!"

John L., Whippany NJ

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