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Clearing Stuck Energy in Your Home

Writer's picture: Stephanie LitwinStephanie Litwin

The term commonly used to remove stagnant energy is "space clearing," which might be misunderstood as clearing physical items from a room or home. However, it actually involves clearing stagnant energy, or as I prefer to call it, "energetic dusting." This enables positive chi/energy to flow into the space.

living room
Space clear your home.

Clear stuck energy whenever something about your home or life feels stale or stuck. Especially do this after removing clutter or moving furniture. It can also be practiced on a regular basis similar to cleaning dust and dirt. I like to do space clearings at the change of the seasons as well.

For those, like myself, that practice Feng Shui, we’re sensitive to the impact that our surroundings have on us. Feng Shui teaches us that we are all influenced by everything in our environment. 

We can affect our environment by arranging things in a way that helps the circulation of chi so that we can create harmony and balance in our lives. This is an ideal version as real life shows us that harmony is not always easy to achieve.

But one thing for sure, each and every one of us brings energy into our homes. Combine this with the energy attached to all of the items we have, plus family members, the result can be quite a build up. Just like dust and dirt collects on our furniture and floors throughout the home, so too does energy. We can’t see this gathering of energy, but we can often feel it. 

Clearing the physical dust

We have all experienced the feeling of tension in the air following an argument or the heavy feeling after walking into a room where a sick person has been. This is due to the negative energy emitted from too much stuff, emotions, angry words, and poor health creating a general heaviness in the air. When faced with dust and dirt, our reaction is to clean the house. But what about that collection of negative energy? If left stagnant, it can affect the circulation of chi in the home creating an overall heaviness feeling. So how do we clear this out?

This is where space clearing comes in. Space clearing is not a part of traditional Feng Shui, but rather a part of contemporary Feng Shui. Space clearing is a process that involves some action to remove the stagnant energy out which then allows positive chi to enter. It can be practiced on a regular basis similar to cleaning dust and dirt or during other times, such as moving into a new home, or after a negative occurrence such as an illness or divorce.

There are as many methods of space clearing as there are individuals who practice it. Although anyone can perform a space clearing in their own home, there are professionals, like myself, who have training and accreditation as well. Also, space clearings can range from a mini to a major clearing. If you want to try a space clearing, the following steps can be followed as closely or as loosely as desired. The main goal is always to clear the stagnant energy and rejuvenate the spaces.

Various space clearing tools.

Step #1: Decluttering is the first step to clearing stagnant energy from your home. If your home is going to need a major decluttering or even a minor one, you can still do a space clearing. Then it's best to do it again several times over the time it takes you to declutter.

Step #2: Cleaning yourself is also important. The stagnant energy which you worked so hard to clear away from your decluttering could be attached to your clothes. Showering and changing into clean clothing will help you to feel balanced and aid in ensuring that your energy is calm and clear as well.

Step #3: In order to allow the fresh chi to enter and allow for the stagnant energy to exit your home, the next step is to open as many windows and doors as weather permits.

Step #4: In order for the space clearing to be effective, all five elements of Feng Shui need to be included in some way. How they are incorporated is up to you. Here are a few ways you can use the five elements in your clearings.

Fire: burn candles or incense in rooms throughout the house.

Wood: The placement of fresh flowers and/or potted plants, either on the mantel or individually in rooms.

Water: Fresh flowers could be placed in a bowl of water to incorporate the element of water.

Earth: Earth could be represented by natural rock crystals or any stones throughout the house.

Metal: Metal could be represented either by metal bells, jewelry or any metal object you may have.

A few space clearing tools
sage stick
Sage stick

Step #5: Next comes movement to loosen up the stagnant energy. How you choose to move this energy is up to you. The basic principle is that you start at your front door and continue to walk through out your home making sure to go through every room and to specifically include all corners.

The walk-through can be made while holding either burning sage, or by spraying an air spray that is infused with the energy of sage. This specific herb helps to clear negative energy, but anything that smells good to you works fine. It's your intention that's most important. Metal bells, bongs, drums or just clapping your hands hard can be used to create sound that will also help to loosen up the stagnant energy. I'll use clapping as my tool in the next step since it's the easiest method.

It’s best to start low to the floor and move up the wall clapping loudly. It’s possible that you may notice that the sound becomes clearer. Then end with a swipe of your arm as if giving the wall a final wipe before stepping forward to repeat. Continue making your way around a room back to where you. Go around the room a few times making your way closer to the center. The final part of this step is to voice your intentions for the room.

As you move throughout your home, speak out loud any positive wishes that you would like to have for the future. This intention can be related to the purpose of a room or in general. When you’re all done come back to stand at your front door and say a "Thank you for..." to your home.

Frong door
Front door

This is just one way of doing a space clearing in your home. You may even come up with variations on your own. But most important is to always having a clear intention for your home.

Enjoy and happy space clearing!



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